I'm Sven Straubinger, a Berlin based software-engineer and freelancer with a strong focus on web- and mobile technologies. I am co-founder and technical lead of @gopopup & @zeitfenster and my pet project Easy Translation. I contributed to @commercetools & @sphereio. Get in touch.

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Did you ever think about the places surrounding you in everyday life? Zeitfenster allows the user to experience the history of a location by merging the camera image with historical images in three-dimensional space. The idea originally started off in 2012 and is now available for multiple cities like Stuttgart & Berlin, Weimar or Leizpig, both for Android & iOS devices. Zeitfenster got awarded with the title “Kultur- und Kreativpiloten Deutschland 2013” by the German government. Learn more about Zeitfenster.


Imagine there is the right space for every idea out there: a place to hold a test run for the latest food trend, to start an emerging fashion brand or to set up the next brilliant marketing coup. Finding these suitable vacant spaces and making them easily available for booking is the core business of Go—PopUp, a marketplace to find and rent short-term retail space. Learn more about Go—PopUp.

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